ASIIN is a registered association in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The association is supported by many organizations, which view the quality of university education as a central concern. They are associations of universities and universities of applied sciences, expert societies, profession-related organizations, industrial and business associations and unions.

This alliance was first founded in 1999 as the non-profit association ASII for the accreditation of degree programmes in engineering an informatics, which rapidly expanded to ASIIN in 2002 by including the fields of natural sciences and mathematics.

Since 2000, ASII or ASIIN has the right to award the accreditation seal of the German Accreditation Council, in addition to the ASIIN quality seal.

ASIIN认证,全名是German Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics,即德国工程、信息科学、自然科学和数学专业认证机构。ASIIN认证是德国最权威的自然工程学科领域高等教育学位认证机构(,是权威的国际学位认证机构,是国际工程教育学位认证体系-华盛顿协议的预备会员,欧洲工程教育项目学位认证体系的创立者及成员。

 ASIIN认证意义 Significance


  ASIIN认证的标准和目标 Standard and Objectives



 ASIIN认证的过程和结果 Process and Result

过程1. 自评报告的撰写→2. 形式上的初步审核:由ASIIN来完成→3. 鉴定人/认证专家的问卷→4. 实地考察,认证报告→5. 接受认证的高校对认证报告执态→6. 评估专家的最终意见→7. 专业委员会再处理→8. 认证委员会处理,决定和最终决议

可能的结果:无条件通过,有效期5年;有条件通过,限期提交材料和改善计划;终止 (限期最长18个月)最终拒绝
