1. Shuhua Su, Fuyao Liu, Shuqun Yang. The L-ordered L-semihypergroups. Open mathematics, 2020, 18,552-571.
2. Shuhua Su, Shuqun Yang, Qi Li . The ZL-completions of fuzzy posets. Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, 2020,39,1347-1359.
3. 苏淑华,-范畴中的若干问题研究,武汉大学出版社,2019.
4. Shuhua Su, Qingguo Li.The category of algebraic L-closure systems.
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2017, 33, 2199-2210.
5.Shuhua Su, Qingguo Li; Huodi Chen, The Meet-continuity of L-semi - lattices, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2017, 333, 123-141.
6. Shuhua Su, Qingguo Li,The generalized S-convergence on fuzzy directed -complete posets, Journal of computational analysis and applications, 2015,18(2), 310-320.
7. Shuhua Su , Jianyu Tian, Huodi Chen. The L-lim-inf-convergence in
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8.Shuhua Su, Qingguo Li,Lankun Guo.Meet continuity on fuzzy directed complete posets, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2013, 10(5), 63-78.
9. Shuhua Su, Qingguo Li .Algebraic fuzzy directed-complete posets. Ne-
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1. 主持国家自然科学基金项目“模糊偏序集的完备化和模糊序超半群理论研究”. 编号:11861006.
2. 完成国家自然科学基金项目“若干离散可积方程族的多维反散射变换研究及精确解”. 编号:11561002(排名第二).
3. 完成国家社会科学基金项目“可持续利用视角下铀资源产品价格改革研究”. 编号:12BJY122(排名第二).