发布时间: 2020-11-06 浏览次数: 3063













2018.06 毕业于厦门大学计算数学专业获博士学位

2012.06 毕业于长沙理工大学计算数学专业获士学位

2009.06 毕业于运城学院信息与计算科学专业获学士学位


2023.01-至今  上海工程技术大学         副教授

2018.11-2022.12  上海工程技术大学          讲师

2016.09-2018.02  美国加州大学伯克利分校     联合培养博士生

2012.02-2014.06  北京优诺时代科技有限公司  软件工程师


1. Yuehua Feng(冯月华); Jianwei Xiao; Ming Gu; Randomized complete pivoting for solving symmetric indefinite linear systems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2018, 39(4): 1616- 1641.

2. Yuehua Feng(冯月华); Linzhang Lu; On the growth factor upper bound for Aasen's algorithm, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019, 88: 118-124.

3. Yuehua Feng(冯月华); Jianwei Xiao; Ming Gu; Flip-Flop Spectrum-Revealing QR factorization and its applications on singular value decomposition, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 2019, 51: 469-494.

4. Yuehua Feng(冯月华); Jianxin You; Yongxin Dong; An Extrapolation Iteration and Its Lumped Type Iteration for Computing PageRank, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2021, 48: 2603-2620.

5. Yongxin Dong; Yuehua Feng(冯月华); Jianxin You; On computing HITS ExpertRank via lumping the hub matrix, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2023, 72(3): 412-428.

6. Ying Ji; Yuehua Feng(冯月华); Yongxin Dong; Pass-efficient truncated UTV for low-rank approximations, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2024,43:65.

7. Guangcong Meng; Yongxin Dong; Yuehua Feng(冯月华); A modified multi-step splitting iteration and its variants for computing PageRank, The Journal of Supercomputing, 2025, 81, 186. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06669-7

8. J.Guan,Y.Feng(冯月华), Z.Ahmed. Two fixed-point iterative methods for M-matrix algebraic Riccati equations[J]. Math. Appl. 2017. 30(3): 623-630.

9. J.Guan, F.Ren, Y.Feng(冯月华). New SOR-like iteration method for saddle point problems[J]. Math. Appl. 2018. 31(4): 779-784.

10. J.Guan, Y.Feng(冯月华). A novel linear iteration method for M-matrix algebraic Riccati equations[J]. J. Univ. Sci. Tech. China. 2020. 50(12): 1472-1477.



1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,12001363,机器学习中的大型矩阵低秩逼近随机算法研究,2021.01-2023.1224万元,结题,主持.


1. 第九届全国计算数学优秀青年论文一等奖,2019.